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Are offshore oil rig workers permitted to carry and use personal cell?

Rules can vary in different locations and across companies. They became generally legal on the Norwegian continental shelf, after having been for years only legal in one company, in 2018. Across the line to the UK continental shelf they had been legal for years, at least on the rigs I worked on. However, the limitations I encountered on both sides of the line were the same: Phone must be switched completely off (not flight mode) and put in checked luggage for the helicopter ride to/from shore, and it may only be used inside the living quarters. Absolutely no use (sackable offense) outside the living quarters, for example in drilling and processing areas. Also, on the UK rigs I didnt get a cell signal, only WiFi (at least back then). On the Norwegian side the situation is much better, but some rigs still dont get a signal.

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